The Stage is Set for 2022

As we approach the end of 2021 – a year where project timelines were severely hindered by a persistent COVID-19 (forcing Victoria into an unparalleled number of lockdowns) – the Construction Industry as a whole looks set to continue its bull-run into the New Year, solidifying the resilience of an increasingly hot market in Victoria. With momentum on our side, our team at Arcon Civil are well-positioned to continue working alongside our Clients to deliver ambitious, high-scale projects which will benefit communities State-wide for generations to come, whilst also strengthening the economy of the worlds once most liveable city.

With 2022 fast approaching, we believe maintaining ongoing workplace flexibility will be a key driver, particularly given the significant number of unknowns surrounding COVID-19. This, coupled with an effective Project Management and Delivery team, will determine the ultimate success of projects to come. Although limiting cost-drivers where possible will always play an important role in successfully delivering a project, the efficiency with which a project is run will always ensure forecast completion dates are met – which is a valuable commodity within the current economic climate.

From our team to yours, we wish you a Happy and prosperous year ahead.